Well – the last few days have been a bit of a whirlwind – I started a new job at SFL Data, which means that my (ir)regular blog writing schedule got thrown into a tizzy. My best intentions have gone awry and I haven’t posted anything in the last 10 days or so. I think I will have a bit of an adjustment to figure out what works writing-wise.
I now have to commute to San Francisco and my bright idea of doing speech to text doesn’t work so well with a speaker phone in the car. I attempted to speak my blog on concussions into the voicemail that is supposed to transcribe it into text. The “speech” I left in three separate voicemails came out as one message (the other two cut me off without recording anything), so that probably won’t be the best solution to getting my thoughts into a blog. And I definitely don’t think my fellow BART or train passengers want to hear my verbal blogs by voicemail.
I’m not sure how many posts I’ll actually be able to do because I also decided to try the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this November, which started yesterday. The point of this challenge is to write at least 1,667 words a day, every day, for an entire month. It’s basically a way to get 200 pages of a novel onto the page and out of your head. I wrote about 1,800 words for an eBook on 30 days to better fundraising (not exactly a novel, but a book nonetheless). I am finally getting around to writing it even though I intended to write it this past summer – I guess I let perfect be the enemy of the good or I just spent too many days at the pool with the kids. All of which interfered with that grand writing plan!
Well, here’s to new beginnings and a new eBook!