Vetting Breast Cancer Organizations

Whenever you choose a charity to donate to, you can always check out Guidestar or another similar website to find the Form 990’s for any non-profit organization. Form 990’s are an IRS filing that needs to be made every year, much like a tax return, that tells about the charitable organization – how much money…

Donate to Breast Cancer Support Organizations

People with breast cancer face many difficult decisions about their medical care. There are many SUPPORT organizations out there to help them through that process – from finding wigs, to providing prosthetic breasts to helping fund reconstructive surgery. The list of organizations today focuses on getting people help who need it now to fight breast…

Donate to Breast Cancer Research Organizations

If you want to support a breast cancer organization, but you don’t want to buy stuff like the product’s mentioned in yesterday’s post, you can donate money directly to breast cancer organization(s). Where it made sense, I took the information directly from the organization’s website so that you can quickly see exactly what each organization…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – How to Help: Products to Consider Purchasing in October

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so I’d like to bring a little attention to it. There is a scary statistic that 1 in 8 women will experience breast cancer during her lifetime. My mom had lumps removed from her breasts when I was just a kid, probably 10 or 11, which is the same…