Got Support?

Do I have my support system(s) in place? I have several things that I use a support system to keep me on track to stay healthy. I track multiple things and I work with a fitness coach for accountability purposes. I track my food and water intake, I track my sleep, I track my exercise…

Got Food?

Am I eating real, whole, healthy foods that are good for me? The appearance of 10 mystery pounds over the last few months led me to take a close look at the food I have been eating. I discovered a few enlightening, but not surprising, realizations: • In March, on our college tour trip of…

Got (Precious) Water?

Am I drinking enough water? There is a serious drought in California and we are on water rationing in our area. But that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be drinking an adequate amount of water every day! What I found out when I started looking at how much water I was or wasn’t drinking each day,…

Got Sleep?

Am I getting enough sleep? Getting enough sleep is key to weight loss, keeping stress in check, and generally managing your mood. Lately, I have been busy, stressed, and not sleeping well at all. I spent a few weeks waking up each night in a cold sweat – from crazy dreams, from racing thoughts, and…