My name Sonya means wisdom. I thought I would do a month of wisdom nuggets leading up to my birthday in May.
I felt I could use some wisdom. My book is being published May 16th and I am in the thick of editing and deciding a million little details that go into book publishing – who knew?!? I have so many things to do… but I find myself reminiscing about my last night of “freedom” before becoming a parent with my first child 21 years ago.
What would I have wanted to know then? As I played Scrabble with my mom and knitted, I waited and waited – not so patiently, and definitely very anxiously. So many thoughts running through my head. Would it hurt? Why is he 9 days late? How big is my husband’s head?
Over 24 hours elapsed… C-Section it is. I had done no preparation, no reading on C-Sections. A whole new slew of questions flooded my mind. What the heck did I have these big hips for anyway?!? I could have used some wisdom at the time.
What would I have wanted to know?
Starting April 1st (no joke), I will post one tidbit of wisdom each day for 30 days. Enjoy and please share your wisdom in return.
FYI – This is loosely based upon Mantra Magazine’s 30 Days of Wisdom. I’ve added some things and removed some things, making it my own and including messages or tidbits that I think are important.