I first met Sue Court in 2003 when I auditioned for the San Carlos Chickens’ Ball. We shared a love of orchids and performing. She was a choreographer and dancer and was in her element when dancing. I loved watching her tap dance. Sue was at the other end of the performance spectrum from my awkward , feeling like “I’m going to take a spill” tap-dancing and she made it look easy, like Fred Astaire.
Sue volunteered for many organizations. You could count on her – she showed up, was a hard worker, and stayed until the end to make sure everything was taken care of. She was a long-time Junior Matron in San Carlos, and a Lions Club member, among other things. She had many roles in the San Carlos Chickens Ball besides choreographer and dancer. She was Chairman of the Ball in 2018 and on the steering committee for many years. To my knowledge, she is the longest, continuous performer in the Chickens Ball, starting in 1960 when she was first eligible to perform given the minimum age requirements. Best of all she loved my husband and was always sure to cast him in her numbers.
She had a daughter, son, and stepson. She doted on her children, grandchildren, and great granddaughter. Her biggest smiles were reserved for them. I appreciated how she doted on my three boys when they would come help her move something heavy or assist in other ways. She especially doted on Jasper and would visit him at the Wine Gallery where she could brag about and enjoy his cooking.
As a fellow Taurus with a strong personality and convictions, Sue was outspoken and never without an opinion. She could be quite “salty” at times! She was a strong woman, mentally and physically. Sue had a heart of gold and truly cared for animals. She loved her San Francisco Giants and 49ers and you could count on her to be cheering for them.
With her love of Chardonnay and maybe a good cocktail now and then, we may have hung out a few times and enjoyed a few drinks over the last 15 years. I was happy to share part of my wine inheritance with her – all those bottles of white she loved (and we weren’t keen to drink), went right to Sue for her enjoyment!
One of the things that I admired about Sue is her love of animals, especially dogs. She showed German Shepherds and until recently would wrestle those 80-pound dogs into her van! The other thing I admired about Sue, and in my opinion, truly put her in the “badass” category forever, was that she took and passed her real estate exam at age 75.
If I could choose a theme for Sue’s life it would be “They told me I couldn’t, so I did.” Sue really is ALL that.
I was going to run this column on May 9th, her birthday, but she passed away January 8th after a brief health struggle.
I will miss her. Rest in peace, my friend.
If you would like to make a donation in Sue Court’s name, she was a longtime supporter of Canine Companions.
Who, in your life, “is ALL that?”

My Mom and Sue were best buds for a very long time. They grew up together in San Carlos. My Mom’s name is Pat Larsen. She is in heaven and now Sue joins her. I’m sure they are having quite the reunion right now!
Thank you for sharing about Sue and your mom.
Priceless. Thank you Sonya. I am missing her.
YOU are all that, girl.
Thank you for the lovely tribute.