Labor of Love

My mom’s best friend, Dot, was a “crazy” lady. By “crazy” I mean fun, unique, eccentric, interesting, highly intelligent and one of the best gift givers I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing in my lifetime. Not that she didn’t have her flaws, she was a Stanfurd grad after all… One of my favorite things…

Bacon Birthday Bash

I’ve only ever had two birthday parties in my life – when I was 10 and when I was 40. The party I had when I turned 10 was a complete bust – only one person came because I scheduled the party on the same weekend as the Girl Scout camp out and I was…

Hometown Days Fun

One of my favorite things about San Carlos is Hometown Days. Everyone in town comes out to celebrate our town in some way or another throughout this weekend! I love it because it is usually on or around my birthday, which is the third weekend in May. Hometown Days has been happening since 1979 –…

For the Joy of It

  When was the last time you did something for the joy of it? Not because you had to, not because someone dragged you into it, not because it was your kids’ activity, but because you wanted to do something for the fun of it? When was the last time you did that? I did…