Best Gifts

What makes the best gift? Well, the first thing that matters is matching the gift with the person who is receiving it, but let’s assume that that part is done (see Gift Giving Strategies for more details) and now we just need to match the gift to the circumstance or situation. I’ve got a few…

(Sometimes) Holiday Traditions

Each year I like to try out something new around the holidays and see if it is something we would like to do again the next year and develop it into a new holiday tradition. The Great Dickens Christmas Fair – We went to the Dickens Fair a few years ago and brought all the…

Favorite Christmas Traditions

I love the holidays, not because it smells good or the decorations around town are fun to see, but because there are so many holiday traditions. I love traditions and could probably stand to let a few go, but which ones? I’ve got a few favorite holiday traditions that I hold dear and will probably…

30 Days of Thankfulness

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 1: I am thankful for my mom – she lives nearby and has been gone for two weeks to England and I picked her up at the airport that evening and realized how much I miss her. Even though I don’t talk every day or see her every week, there…