Got (Precious) Water?

Am I drinking enough water? There is a serious drought in California and we are on water rationing in our area. But that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be drinking an adequate amount of water every day! What I found out when I started looking at how much water I was or wasn’t drinking each day,…

Got Sleep?

Am I getting enough sleep? Getting enough sleep is key to weight loss, keeping stress in check, and generally managing your mood. Lately, I have been busy, stressed, and not sleeping well at all. I spent a few weeks waking up each night in a cold sweat – from crazy dreams, from racing thoughts, and…

Back to Basics

Ack!!! I stepped on the scale to find that 10 pounds had come out of nowhere and lodged themselves on me in not so flattering ways ☹ Getting older can be hell. All this hard work and this is what I have to show for it? I know that weight lifting usually makes me gain…

Labor of Love

My mom’s best friend, Dot, was a “crazy” lady. By “crazy” I mean fun, unique, eccentric, interesting, highly intelligent and one of the best gift givers I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing in my lifetime. Not that she didn’t have her flaws, she was a Stanfurd grad after all… One of my favorite things…