Bacon Birthday Bash

I’ve only ever had two birthday parties in my life – when I was 10 and when I was 40. The party I had when I turned 10 was a complete bust – only one person came because I scheduled the party on the same weekend as the Girl Scout camp out and I was…

For the Joy of It

  When was the last time you did something for the joy of it? Not because you had to, not because someone dragged you into it, not because it was your kids’ activity, but because you wanted to do something for the fun of it? When was the last time you did that? I did…

Poetry and Peace

I like to write, most of the time. I’ve been writing since I was 12, mostly journaling, then papers, then work articles, papers, and blogs, and then blogging on my own. I always like to challenge myself and I keep a little pile of papers in the back of my journal as prompts when I…

The Instrument Petting Zoo

Instrument Selection Night, or otherwise affectionately referred to as the Instrument Petting Zoo, was held this week for both of our middle schools in San Carlos. Bret and I run the trombone station, along with a couple of student helpers, and we’ve been doing this together for years. In fact, I think I have been…