30 Days of Thankfulness

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 1: I am thankful for my mom – she lives nearby and has been gone for two weeks to England and I picked her up at the airport that evening and realized how much I miss her. Even though I don’t talk every day or see her every week, there…

Got Exercise?

Am I sweating enough? Thankfully, I have a good strong habit of exercising every day. But after I ran a 10K in May I decided to walk more and run less. I think that walking was fine to keep moving and to keep my step count closer to the 10,000 a day level but I…

Labor of Love

My mom’s best friend, Dot, was a “crazy” lady. By “crazy” I mean fun, unique, eccentric, interesting, highly intelligent and one of the best gift givers I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing in my lifetime. Not that she didn’t have her flaws, she was a Stanfurd grad after all… One of my favorite things…

Bacon Birthday Bash

I’ve only ever had two birthday parties in my life – when I was 10 and when I was 40. The party I had when I turned 10 was a complete bust – only one person came because I scheduled the party on the same weekend as the Girl Scout camp out and I was…