Pictures with Santa

I love the pictures we have taken with Santa throughout the years! Most of the time we can get the kids to all smile at the same time. Sometimes not. Sometimes there is one kid that is just grimacing enough to show that he is participating but not willingly. Most of the time we have…

Man Down

Jasper, my oldest, is a big kid. He’s ~200 pounds and is almost 6 feet tall. Even as a freshman he was a big kid and people thought he was much older than he is (I think it might be the beard…). But, on the football field he’s not the biggest, not by a long…

Concussions Suck!

Concussions suck! I’ve seen two of my kids laid out on the football field with what ended up being concussions. It’s different when you are on the sideline, capturing the game through a telephoto lens. It’s different when you can hear the crack of the helmets hitting together. It’s different when you are 10 yards…

Home Maintenance Boot Camp

Everyone should plan a home maintenance boot camp with his or her kids in the summer. I have three teen boys and I know their dad spends time with them and teaches them how to use tools for woodworking, general maintenance, and do welding and many other things, but I thought that we hadn’t spent…