Dear Editor of California Lawyer

It isn’t often that I open an issue of California Lawyer with anticipation and excitement. But the cover of a recent issue was emblazoned with a charter school issue with these words: “Charter School Fight Rich v. Even Richer.” So when I picked it up to read it I really was genuinely excited. Imagine my…

Books You Should Run From

It’s been fascinating to read (or listen to) so many books this past year and see what kind of writing is out there and what kind of writing actually gets published. I find it extraordinary that some of these books were actually published, that someone thought these books would sell, or that it was a…

Lasting Impressions – Books that Made a Difference

I read a lot of books last year. Some of which I wish I hadn’t wasted my time reading and some I wanted to reread. Some of these books have stuck with me and I have recommended them to others. The list here contains the books that made a big impact on me in 2013.…

2014 Goals – No Excuses

I stopped making resolutions a couple of years ago and started putting together a plan of goals for the year, a list of desired behavior changes, and a list of specific things to do more of and less of. Last year I concentrated on letting go of perfection. The year I am concentrating on balance…