Honoring a Mentor

I was lucky enough to go to an event a couple of weeks ago in Washington DC to honor Richard Braman, the founder of the Sedona Conference. Richard pulled off an amazing feat of getting defense lawyers, plaintiff’s lawyers, judges, vendors and many others talking to each other and making changes in the law to…

Breast Cancer Awareness or Just Pink Washing?

I wanted to provide a summary of the things I highlighted this week for breast cancer awareness. If you want to support breast cancer by purchasing a multitude of “pink” products, I highlighted a few products that I liked. If you want to support the effort to find a cure for breast cancer – look…

Pink Everywhere

Three things happened today to indicate that the breast cancer awareness campaign is working. I went to Safeway to get a few things for a BBQ and found pink everywhere. As we picked out yoghurt the kids were trying to convince me that we should get the yoghurt with M&Ms on top (to stir in)…

Does the NFL just love boobies? Or are they really trying to make a difference?

Does the NFL really just love boobies or do they actually want to support breast cancer awareness? I posted something on Facebook this weekend when we turned on the 49er game: “We just turned on the 49er game and Jasper’s first comment was -” it’s breast cancer awareness day mom – the NFL players are…