Are You an Organ Donor?

Who is that yellow man?

Chris Mahoney, with Michelle and Emerson

Organ donation isn’t something most people think about very often unless they are in need of an organ transplant and then they think about it all the time, hoping and waiting for a match. Today, one of my friends (and my children’s school director) got a badly needed liver transplant. He was on the list for awhile, all the time his health was degrading to the point where it was very precarious. Thankfully the new liver is taking even during the tail end of the 12-15 hour long surgery. I’m glad Chris finally got a new liver. I’m not glad that he was sick enough to move to the top of the donor list. Now he (and his family) can begin the long road to recovery and hopefully he won’t look like big bird for too long.

I’ve been marked as a organ donor since I received my driver’s license at 16. In California, you can sign a little card, attach it to the back of your license and put the little pink dot on the front of your license indicating you are willing to be an organ donor. But who’s going to find my license in the event of an accident and check for that little pink sticker (and any limitations)? Why isn’t there a national (or international) organ donor registration? There are various registries but some times they are limited by organ and by state (or country). Some countries have opt-in systems (which have low participation rates and some countries have opt-out systems, which, of course, have an almost 100% participation rate).

I have another friend who is also waiting for a liver, she isn’t in as poor health as Chris had become, so she isn’t at the top of any transplant list. But, she needs a new liver nonetheless.
What can you do? If you are willing to be an organ donor, you can do what is required in your state to make your intention known (and clear), start with your own state (here is CA’s link) department of motor vehicles. You can read more about organ donation here to find out what is involved (some can be live tissue donations, some are cadaver donations; some organ donations have a short waiting list time, others have a long waiting time, like 15 months for a kidney), or you can talk to others who have been organ donors or those who have received transplants.
I signed up online because I don’t want someone to have to take the time to locate my license and check for the pink dot and any limitations. Registering online means that someone can just check the registry. It only takes a minute to register. Will you?
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