Goodbye Summer :(

Summer seemed so short and with the crazy cold weather we had most of the summer, it didn’t seem like it ever arrived. Most of the summer weather here in the SF Bay Area is happening now. I think it was 85 degrees yesterday! I look back at what we did this summer, and I…

Remembering September 11th – Part 2

Shortly after September 11th, 2001, my brother, Shane, and I decided to drive my brother in law’s car to him, in New York. Lloyd and his partner, Gaston, had just moved to New York in August 2001 and were not too thrilled about it. They had left their car in California thinking in NY City…

Snow Flurries in August? Or Just Extra Fleece?

It was so cold in August you might have thought there were snow flurries here in the Bay Area. But that wasn’t the case, it just felt like it was so cold that it could have snowed. I used the time in August to complete a few sewing projects around the house. I had a…

Stumbling on the Perfect Gift

I love it when you find something that is the perfect gift for a friend. I found a fleece fabric (when I was looking for something completely different) that was brown with pink and green polka dots on it, and when I opened it further it had pink breast cancer ribbons on it as well).…